Books of the Year

In the Cockatrice’s inbox on Sunday afternoon was a link to an article in The White Review, listing the magazine’s books of the year, with Pugnacious Little Trolls, published by Cockatrice Books, among them. Emyr Humphreys describes the range of work it contains, realistic depictions of Welsh life in the shadow of climate change and rising English nationalism to ‘fantastical tangents’ which interrogate Welsh experiences of belonging, prejudice and identity without mentioning Wales at all, and a quality of work which makes Gee Williams’ invocation of Borges seem justified.

Jon Gower’s review of the same collection, ‘freely and fiercely inventive short stories… supercharged with ideas,’ is to be found at Nation.Cymru. The collection itself is available from Cockatrice Books below.

Pugnacious Little Trolls